Gay pride rings for sale

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Since then, he’s seen the demand for the diamond grading services increase. The latter is what happened for Phillip Yantzer, the school’s vice president of laboratory services, who started as a diamond grader at the institute 34 years ago. They can then move into the retail, manufacturing, or the wholesale jewelry industry, or move up the ranks at the gemological institute.

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Employees who take on the position are also offered the opportunity to complete the institute’s curriculum to earn a graduate diamonds diploma. The job pays $14 to $15.62 per hour plus benefits, and requires a high school diploma. In 2015, the Gemological Institute of America is looking to hire 80 entry-level diamond graders, a full-time position that also includes an education.

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If you’re looking for a stepping-stone into the gemological industry to begin the new year, there may be an opportunity for you in Carlsbad.

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